Tuesday, June 17

Fitness Level Up

So we ended the dragon boat season with 3 silvers and 2 bronzes for the team from the races in Putrajaya & Penang! Huz'zah! We didn't expect to win anything, so it was a pleasant surprise and a marked improvement from our race in Penang last year (we didn't win anything then). Ha. It feels great to know that our team is growing stronger, and that we're putting up a good fight even against international contenders.

Will be spending a lot more time with the team for at least another year, as we just had our annual team meeting and I'm one of the four new members appointed to the committee. Defo looking forward to more social activities, as well as training harder with the team!

Also, I'm really happy that Celebrity Fitness has granted me a free membership to their gyms! And I realized that I've never been to a CF gym before. Hmm. Probably gonna frequent the one in SS2 mall, since it's really quite close to home. I know that I often say that I wouldn't go to the gym and how it wouldn't work for me, but training 3 times a week with the team just isn't doing it for me. As strenuous as our HIIT drills are, it's not enough anymore. So I'm gonna start working out on days that I don't train with the team.

Anyone interested to join me at the gym after work? I'm planning to train on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights. Preferably at SS2 mall, but I can also do Bangsar or Mid Valley. Lemme know! I'm sooo not used to training alone.


Anonymous said...

sigh..you have fallen into this gay thing about 'gym is everything'...
anyways, if it is for your health and not for vanity, then good for you and good luck!
oh, i could be your gym buddy, but i won't work out, i can be ur talking gym buddy. talk talk only while u sweat it out, cuz i ain't gonna fall into this ''gym is da gay thing''.

the viennamese said...

Hi Anonymous. I know right. Can't believe that I'm actually looking forward to training after work. But I'm only using the gym cuz it's free. Once my sponsored period expires, I'm not sure if I would pay for a renewal. I'm still getting used to it though. I socialize a lot with my team when we train, which seems to be quite different with gymmers. When I tried to talk to a few people at the gym, they just snubbed me. Maybe they thought I was hitting on them? or perhaps it's not the norm to talk? So weirddd.......

thompsonboy said...

Actually the DB-ers are worst than gymers. BRO, it's almost a cult. But at least it's healthy activity, BRO!

Anonymous said...

yalor..gym is the hot spot for gays, so can't really blame gymmers for thinking you are hitting on them. but sad hor, cuz not everyone goes to gym to hook up.
- ex gym lover

Anonymous said...

hmm. how did u get the grant for CF gym?

the viennamese said...

Thompsonboy, haha. We're not that bad ler. We just spend a heck load of time together. :P

Anonymous, exactly! Oh well, I guess those who actually go to the gym to hook up gave it all a bad name, so everyone's just wary now.

I-Zach, hmm. A friend of a friend has a connection with CF and I gave them my details. Then I got an email asking me to claim my membership. I don't really know how it worked out. I don't even know that person, but I'm so thankful! ;)