Friday, January 17

Happy 2020!


It's been a while since I've checked in here, and so much has happened!

I returned home from Taipei in June '19, sprayed my CV everywhere (pretty much begging for an interview, lol), but after a month of silence, I got quite worried. Then instead of sending generic CVs to every employer I could find, I started to channel most of my time and resources in securing the first interview for this dream job, and after 4 rounds of interviews (Geez, Louise), I was hired!

My work arrangement's pretty cool. I work from home when I can, but if there's too much distraction (which is probably all the time), then I'll be at a shared working space. I've come to like these coworking spaces. I know a few familiar faces now, and know who to sit with; though we don't work together nor have we interacted with each other. It's like being at the gym. You don't actually know those people, but you know who are the pleasant ones to workout next to, and who are the annoying grunters, and the assholes who don't return equipment after using them.

Anyhoos, enough about work for now.. Long story short;
I love my job! ...and yes, I'm paid to say that too. Ha!

Moving on to the boyfriend~ I think that our bout with the whole LDR thing has somewhat contributed to the change in the dynamics of our relationship; but definitely in a good way. And there's me with my [relatively] new job, and he with his new role at work, it's rare that we see each other on weekdays now, as we remain very much engaged with our own career ambitions on work nights.

Then on the weekends, it's a cumfest!

Lol, I joke I joke. Please laugh.. Ha, ha ha, hahahahaha.......

But seriously, we're doing well and really do look forward to spending time together on weekends. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, no? And the cumfest is a bonus...if it happens.

Until next time, have a fun weekend y'all! And party safely~
It's 2020!